Below is an ever-changing list of resources that I've found to be very helpful. Please let me know if you have any recommendations to add.
Videos & Podcasts
*HealthyGamerGG psychiatrist
*Beginners Yoga with Adriene
*V Interesting with V Spehar (news)
*Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff (history)
*Speaking of Sex with the Pleasure Mechanics (healthy sex)
*Scout Mindset by Julia Galef
*Say What You Mean: a Mindful Approach to Nonvoilent Communication by Oren Jay Sofer, Joseph Goldstein, et al
*The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. van der Kolk, et al.
*Duolingo (learn a language)
*HeadSpace (easy meditation)
*Radio Garden (free radio from all over the globe)
*Spotify (podcasts, music)
*Finch: Self Care Pet (goal-setting & encouragement)
* for many different kinds of streams.
*Youtube - TedTalks, Documentaries, etc.
*Discord (gaming, etc)
*Google Adventure (so many Google activity options)
*Virtual Vacation (including live webcams)
* (see live webcams from all over the world)
Games & Activities
*Animal Crossing (cozy/chill)
*It Takes Two (cooperative)
*Lego bricks and video games
*Geocaching (world-wide activity with variable difficulties)
*Check your local library for books, audiobooks, videos, etc.
*Journaling (hack - journal more positive than negative)