There are many ways to help improve confidence. Simply noticing and acknowledging that you are successful at some things can be greatly impactful. Our brains go straight to negatives, and ways we messed up, because our brains feel like those are the threats - the things that can kill us. Negative things are weighted heavier in our attention span, so it's going to take a lot of practice/reinforcement to notice and acknowledge the positives so that we can begin to outweigh the negatives. Shoulders back, chin up, helps us actually BE more confident for many reasons. We're opening our airways easier when we do this - allowing us to get out of our feeling parts of our brain (fear! anger!) and into our more logical (frontal lobe) parts of our brain. Two minutes of focusing on setting your shoulders, straightening your back, and lifting your chin - in the quintessential confidence pose - can help improve your confidence for about 20 minutes. Do this before an interview, before making a phone call, before dealing with a difficult situation, and you'll improve your chances of an overall positive outcome.
HERE's a link to a Science Daily article detailing the info I've brought here.
NPR's article is HERE and discusses the Science of Self-Talk
With Love,