Depression: Symptom Reduction Strategies
SUD = Subjective Unit of Distress. How much do symptoms of depression bother you, on a scale of 0-10 where 0=not at all and 10=the worst you can imagine? <none> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <your world is ending>
Find one or two of the following techniques that work for you. When we’re upset, our brains aren’t working at optimum performance, so we need to have practiced one a lot before we need it - like a fire drill... Some may seem silly, but are very helpful in reducing disturbing feelings. Do these in a safe location where relaxation would not interfere with safety. Our brains need to be trained to be happy and by following some surprisingly simple strategies – we can improve our ability to think happy and feel happy.
Incentives to Change: Change is tough! List some reasons why it would be helpful to do the hard work to get your brain retrained. When we’re depressed we won’t feel like doing these things – but that’s the quicksand trying to suck you down and keep you down. Don’t let it win!
***PHYSICAL STRATEGIES***Eating Habits: Please consult one of our wellness experts. Fueling our bodies with healthy and nutritious food can become an easy habit to create and there are tips available to help you eat healthy on a workable budget. You’ll be amazed at how better you’ll feel when you’re eating in a healthy manner.
Exercise: 30-60 second cardio sets for even just a few minutes a day, a few times a day, can make a world of difference. Body movement helps release positive endorphins and that’s your body’s natural way of feeling good! Plus, many studies have shown that exercise is more effective than medication & therapy combined.
Sleep Hygiene: There are very many variables in getting good sleep. Please ask me for a separate handout that only involves sleep hygiene – all the tricks and tips you need to get a healthy, positive, good night’s rest. Sleep affects moods and if we’re not getting healthy sleep – our brains can’t heal themselves – including the stress chemicals released by your brain. Quickly: bed is for only sleep or sex; keep temperature cool; reduce lighting ½ hour before bed; save showers for mornings or hours before bed; keep all gadgets out of the bed including tv, radio, cell phones, backlit anything; avoid adrenalin-inducing activities an hour before bed (drama tv shows, news etc)…
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Begin by finding a comfortable position lying down. You can change positions any time during the progressive muscle relaxation exercises to make yourself more comfortable as needed. The first progressive muscle relaxation exercise is breathing. Breathe in forcefully and deeply, and hold this breath. Hold it...hold it... and now release. Let all the air go out slowly, and release all the tension. Continue to breathe slowly and gently. Allow your breathing to relax you. The next progressive muscle relaxation exercise focuses on relaxing the muscles of your body. Start with the large muscles of your legs. Tighten all the muscles of your legs. Tense the muscles further. Hold onto this tension. Feel how tight and tensed the muscles in your legs are right now. Squeeze the muscles harder, tighter... Continue to hold this tension. Feel the muscles wanting to give up this tension. Hold it for a few moments more.... and now relax. Let all the tension go. Feel the muscles in your legs going limp, loose, and relaxed. Notice how relaxed the muscles feel now. Feel the difference between tension and relaxation. Enjoy the pleasant feeling of relaxation in your legs. Continue to do this with your major muscles: buttocks, back, chest, stomach and arms.
Diaphragmatic Breathing: Start by exhaling & then breathe in all the way with your abdomen taking 7 seconds to do so, hold that breath for 7 seconds, then breathe out all the way with your chest, again taking 7 seconds to do so. Continue the breathing in for 7, holding for 7, and exhaling for 7 for 5 repetitions. This oxygenates your brain and muscles, making thinking more clear and positive endorphins be released.
Walking Focus Stand up and notice your body, muscles and surroundings. As slow as you possibly can, begin a step, noticing muscles and balance and motion, keeping the movements as very slow as possible. Pay close attention to everything you can as you walk a few steps this way. At the end of a few steps, start a turn and just notice everything you can about it – from how your balance shifts, how your muscles are coordinating, the feeling of turning slowly, etc. You can do this in as little as 3-5 steps, stopping to make a u-turn and going back the other direction. Again – movement releases positive feel-good chemicals in your brain! This exercise can also be extended to activities like drinking water, eating food & breathing.
***OTHER STRATEGIES***Sensual Awareness Inventory: On a separate page & under each of the following categories, list 10-20+ (as many as you can) items or activities from which you get pleasure, enjoyment or comfort. Keep these in mind when you need more pleasure, enjoyment or comfort. By focusing on positive, you’re making your brain get into the habit of thinking more positively. SIGHT SOUND SMELL TASTE TOUCH ACTIVITY
Happiness/Appreciation/Thanks-giving Journal: If your brain is stuck in the quicksand of negative thinking, writing down appreciations and positive things in your life will help train your brain to look for and concentrate on positives: good for reducing long-term unhappiness. This takes practice and you will see wonderful results. Change the lenses you view the world with. Think articles, comics, things seen on tv/internet, artwork, poetry, recipes, book reviews, observational statements, anecdotes, stories of heroes, positive self statements…
Positive Visualization - Calm/Safe/Happy Place: Daydream. What would you do if you won a substantial amount of money? What would your ideal date be? What would you do if you met your favorite celebrity? What would your dream vacation be? See it, hear it, smell it, taste it, feel it. Think of every little detail and live it out a little in your head. Not only will this help improve your mood, it will help train your brain to pick out the positive in everyday life – thereby reducing depression and anxiety!
Fake it ‘till you Make it (not in toxic-positivity ways): There’s researched evidence that when we utilize the muscles required to fake happiness, our brains respond and release happy brain-chemicals and we actually get happier. So practice smiling, exercise those particular muscles – you’re going to need them as you get happier. J
Safe Box/Worry Box/Prayer Box: This one takes some imagination. Imagine a really strong box that could hold what you’re worried about. Lock that upsetting feeling away for now (you’ll have to deal with it later or it’ll sneak up on you – but for now, this works). Get creative with your box. Or – write it down, tie it to a balloon filled with helium and let it go… burn it on a grill/in a fireplace. Bury it in a box/mini-casket.
***USING YOUR PERSONAL/NATURAL RESOURCES***Remember to utilize any natural resources you have: Friends, family, nature, music, pets, hobbies, books, 12-step groups, an accountability partner, spirituality, significant others…