I was talking with a client the other day about how there have been studies that show the significant improvements that can happen when you pull your shoulders back, stick your chest out and your chin up. It opens your airway and allows a better flow of oxygen to the frontal lobe which is the logic and reasoning part of your brain, thus allowing you to think more clearly and not be as overwhelmed by feelings. The client then mentioned a few great moments in Grey's Anatomy where the characters did a "Superhero pose." So I looked up a clip of this on youtube and legit cried with joy. (I cry easy, go figure.) This also made me remember that I once had a website called 5 Minute Superhero... where I encouraged people to take 5 minutes or less to make their day, or make someone else's day. I had stories of others who didn't even have to go out of their way to make people smile, or do a good deed, or hold a door, or pass a tissue. And I'd completely forgotten about that website. I can't even find it now. With renewed purpose, I'll incorporate those ideas into this page. I appreciate every single client of mine and learn so very much from everyone.
The link to the YouTube videos of the Superhero Pose can be found HERE.
The iconic Wonder Woman pose, with feet apart, arms wide, and hands planted on hips. Credit: Ji Eun Lee.