Don't run off yet. Let's make this easy, and detail how it can help your mental health in many ways. Congratulating yourself on Bite Sized Tasks is really good for building motivation since motivation doesn't just usually appear out of thin air. I was watching THIS VIDEO about making an 8 critical tasks list every day and already shaking my head with overwhelm. Some of the ideas in the video were very useful such as doing only 5 tasks (or 3), and those tasks can Absolutely be things like - brushed teeth, showered, drank water, etc. We need to build ourselves up instead of break ourselves down. The comment section had even better ideas, such as writing an I Did list, or using it for doodling, or writing prompts or ideas or brainstorming, etc. You're not alone if you get overwhelmed and just... don't. Sometimes writing things down lets us see through the fog and chaos of all the other thoughts. Writing can be Very powerful, so if you write down problems that you have - make sure you write down possible (or even impossible) solutions so that your brain gets going down that healthier happier track. It also helps to be mindful of how you spend your days, as you don't get time/days back. Once they're spent, you can't earn them back.
I also want to caution you Against toxic productivity. Life isn't meant to just be Doing things all the time or Producing all the time - we are human Beings, not human Doings. We don't Need a million bucks or things but a million times of connection with others is priceless. We DO need times to refuel and reboot so that we don't break down.
You got this. Go get 'em, Tiger!